Cover Love - Why Jessica Scachetti Loves Her 'Back to the Light' Cover

Posted on 27th June, 2024

This week I am delighted to welcome American author Jessica Scachetti to my blog to talk about her favourite book cover. The one she has chosen is Back to the Light, which is book 3 in her Wonder of Light series.



I’m honored to be featured on such an accomplished author’s blog! Thank you, Susanna, for giving me the opportunity to feature the favorite of my book covers. The writing community around the world is so amazing, and I’m truly blessed to have met many wonderful people such as Susanna.

My favorite book cover out of all my books would have to be the cover of “Back to the Light.” It is my latest release, and the third and final installment of my “Wonder of Light” faith-based trilogy. Each book in the series is a standalone romance but is interconnected by its characters.

This specific cover features two people, a man and woman, holding hands and standing on a path that leads to an illuminated cross. Majority of their figures are not pictured. Only enough to let you know, the woman is in a summer dress and the male is in jeans and tee shirt, giving them a youthful appearance. Considering my characters in the book are high school/college-aged it fits perfectly. The photo centers around their clasped hands and the luminous cross. It also appears the two are walking toward the cross, signifying a young couple bound together, not only by love, but on a foundation of faith.


When I discovered this image during publishing, it immediately resonated with the book’s story line, which involves a young apostatic Christian man who has lost his way while grieving the loss of a dear loved one. The male lead has not only turned his back on his faith, but he has broken the heart of his childhood sweetheart and shut out his family. His childhood sweetheart is the female lead of the story and refuses to give up on him. Through faith and forgiveness, she, along with their loved ones, endeavors to lead his young lost soul back to the light.


I’ve always outsourced my book covers, using the same Fiverr gig for all my books covers because they have consistently done amazing work. I provide the gig the licensable image of my choice, and they turn it into a book cover. I have also used this same gig to format my e-book and paperbacks.


An extract from this book that I feel echoes the cover is:


Upon arriving to our destination, we clutch hands as we climb up the front stoop of the Church. Once we make it inside, we are greeted most graciously by members of the congregation.


It’s humbling how easily I transition back into my spiritual element. As Cat and I introduce ourselves to the throngs of attendees greeting us, it’s easy to smile and exchange amiable salutations. When we find our seats, it takes no effort for me to sing along during praise and worship and bow my head when the Deacon leads us all in prayer. Still finding myself angry at God, I have no words or thoughts for him at the moment but convey my respect, nonetheless.


By the time the pastor announces what his sermon will be about today, I know instantly that the message is meant for me. He discusses the topic about being angry with God and relates the story of Jonah and the whale. I listen intently to every word that hits me direct center in my chest. My conviction weighs heavy, and I lose control of my emotions. I try to fight back my tears, but to no avail.


Cat, being ever aware, puts an arm around me and starts to massage me consolably.


Through my thoughts, I speak directly to God. After everything that’s happened and the chaos that ensued from my foolish and sinful actions, I feel an immense amount of guilt befalling me.


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My books are sold exclusively by Amazon and free to read with Kindle Unlimited Subscription:  




The direct link for “Back to the Light” is:




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